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  • Project
  • Note: This project is full and not currently seeking collaborators.

    I am proposing a Telecollaboration project between my Spanish-for-heritage-students class at Queensborough Community College (City University of New York) and your heritage Spanish class, located somewhere else in the United States. During the course, our groups would share their research and reflections about the Latino communities that have developed in New York and the area where your college or university is located.

    In particular, I would like our students to collaborate in the analysis of four topics:
    – Identity and representations of identity
    – Latinos and higher education
    – Migration
    – History of Latino communities in New York and your city

    Fall, 2018
    Intermediate, Advanced
    Reading, Writing
  • Latinx Students’ College Survival

    posted on October 18, 2017

    Note: This project is ongoing and not currently seeking collaborators.

    Latinx students of different areas of the country will read, analyze and discuss the reasons for the Latinxs’ higher rate of college dropout; they will use their and their classmates’ experiences as case studies; they will read from the existing body of literature about the education of Latinxs in the USA; and will elaborate a College Survival Latino Guide that they will sell all around the country. The profits will be destined to a scholarship fund for poor Latino kids wishing to study in top-notch schools. All scholarship awardees must work for their community of origin for a minimum of two evenings a week for the rest of their lives. ¡Sí se puede!

    Reading, Speaking and Listening, Writing
  • Latinos en Estados Unidos

    posted on October 17, 2017

    Note: This project is upcoming and not currently seeking collaborators.

    El objetivo de este proyecto es que estudiantes de diferentes partes del país compartan sus experiencias como hablantes de español en los Estados Unidos y desarrollen su conciencia de la diversidad cultural y lingüística. Los estudiantes que participen en esta telecolaboración podrán reflexionar críticamente sobre la naturaleza material y discursiva de la configuración de la identidad, tanto desde dentro como desde fuera del grupo. Además, tendrán la oportunidad de entender mejor la interrelación entre lengua y sociedad, de modo que podrán tomar decisiones lingüísticas conscientes y responder juiciosamente a las críticas sobre su modo de hablar el español. Por último, aprenderán sobre la historia de los latinos en EEUU así como sobre el pasado y el presente de las comunidades latinas en diferentes partes del país e intecambiarán experiencias familiares que se entrecruzan con esa historia de los latinos en EEUU.

    El proyecto consta de tres módulos de telecolaboración: “Lengua e identidad”, “Historias familiares” y “Nuestros barrios”.

    Spring, 2018
    Intermediate, Advanced
    No Particular Focus
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